Images as a language
Semiotics: The 'Science of sign systems'
The way we understand images
Semiotics well known, as they have been 'taught' widely even if your not in the art industry
System of though
Analyse it- you can understand it
You can find information out for example: when they where made, who by ect
Plays, Images, Literature (examples of..)
Anything can be broke down so you can read it
Visual, structural signing- visual spelling things outs
Sent to space
10"x15" Copper plate with special ink so this plaque could degrade, communicating from our world to another world
We make massive assumptions. First on the plaque was two hand looked like they where praying however someone felt that this didn't really represent the human so they changed it.
Socially and contextually communicating doesn't mean that somewhere else people will be able to understand it, it hard to understand if you have no idea of the meaning
The meaning of something occurs from the society
We can understand people for example with facial expressions as we can understand if someone is frowning at us. So we can read facial expressions and body language. We take this sort of language for granted. How we construct meaning with sounds. From noises we can construct a sense even if for example you miss out a piece in the 'puzzle' a sound works with our brain and figures out the missing piece.
The Tate Modern:
Had 'street art', large paintings around it and on the outside of the building. Strong street art was political such as the ones in Belfast they shows a symbolic history of politics
Comparing the Apple logo and the IBM logo- both computer companies
Old Apple:
Colour for the first coloured mac
Colours to show it can be used universally
New Apple:
Good computer designing
Can tell its produced on a computer
Appealing to the eye
Simple recognisable shape
Temptation-taking a bite from the apple, inspiration from Adam & Eve, biblical story
"Apple of Knowledge"
Pictorial logo- symbolic
The logo is moving with the times
Based at the art world: Flashy ect so they must reflect this with a new logo to go with there brand name
IBM logo: (International Business Machine)
Now looks dated
Looks like graphic columns
It looks industrial not a design computer (more practical)
Looks like lines of text
Haven't changed the logo perhaps to show that their still running as the first computer company
Its wrote how it would looked typed
The company hasn't changed
Not actually readable away from the Weston world unlike the apple logo
Looks like a bad print out
The logo represents what it does- normal office based typing and use not for designers or the 'arts world'
The logos are about functions
Language & Communication
Absolut Vodka adverts:
The Absolut vodka bottle is always in a central image bottle
Very clever images
Commissioned artists
We don't see things without seeing it in connection to something else
Spoken text:
Agreed through history
Sign=From which is an image or a text + Concept
Meaningless without both parts
The word CAT
CAT= 'cat' the letters + the image of a cat
The word doesn't actually mean CAT its just three letters together
Similar understanding of the cat even though they differ between 'breeds' of cats
You would argue if cat was said with a picture of a dog was shown
Iconic signs- Look like the things that they signify
eg portraits, photos ect
Indexical signs- refer to our knowledge eg footprints in sand, clearly someone has walked there.. Basically stating the obvious
Symbolic signs- have meaning only due to convention- eg words, flags
Flags nationalism placed on a flag-agreed system convention does that
Arbitrariness: The spoken language
A phonetic alphabet records sound values
-'a' with a sound, different systems use a different language that changes and evolves
Meaning can change and loose meaning when being translated through languages
Bob and Roberta Smith:
Seen as a trickster
Using lettering and letter forms.
Odd noises with a symbol
Developed and playing with noises and images however they don't make much sense unless you know the 'language'
Fashion designer
Fashion is not just clothing
Shared meanings
A system of signs, symbols and iconography that non-verbally communicates meaning about individuals and groups
Impossible to see a language that isn't shared- that makes it nonfunctional
It exemplifies peoples identifies particular clothes, hair cuts, attitudes, this gives a sense of belonging
Graphics Design
A sign is:
"Something which stands to somebody for somethings in some capacity" Charles Sanders Piece 1977
First & foremost human communication. Stuff that people understand and that sends the right image
Syntactic relation
A relation that links signs (or even text) into a more complex 'text'
Hussein Chalayan.
Table Dress. Winter 2000. Art world where amazed, however the public weren't very pleased- they were outraged. Is it a fashion garment? or a internal designer? Crossing boundaries and meanings
Fashion evolves but there still a clear structure of the body but you can see that its still broken up. For example shoes, head, neck, top ect.
Language and rules. Working in a system but playing wit the parts and changing it differently to match the current time
Right and wrong: shown by angel and demand, this is biblical and religious
Fashion- Bodies, clothing conveyed as stupidity is much flesh is shown
Culture- Buying a dog. Materialistic. Driving not paying attention, surrounded by coffee and lip gloss and her phone covered in diamonds
Saying big breasted says you can be stupid
Body modification- not in a good way
How celebs affect our younger generation
Appearance-how groups are seen and fit in by clothing ect
Gender stereotyping
Personal acceptance: Not trying to be someone your not
Everything is constructed thinking of what was used
Clothing: Clear comparison with Paris Hilton- spoilt, rich, bimbo. Real and artificial. Dog in a cage all wrong
Special affects: Devil and angel sat with the girl and her barbie, pig tails and rugby shirt on. Innocence.
Makeup: Bubble gum pink, barbie bimbo pink. Gender stereotyping. Grotesque trying too look younger than they are but dressing younger
Bodies: Stereotyping men looking at the breasts, clearly they aren't that bug
Extras: Clear reference to bulimia which is reference to models.
Location: (Gym & Salon) Places where you make yourself look better and have a better appearance
Slogans involved in the video
Props: Coffee spilling, air head, not paying attention
Camera Angles: Looking up at the person shows authority, this is a sub text that we understand. Impact and how they want to be represented, How they position themselves.
Lighting colour/film:Black and white shows olden days also recognised by the hair, clothes, glasses, all girls class. Pink teddies, dollies to be shown as stupid compared to the other pile of items.
suggests we need to convey in other forms on knowledge
Mayra Hyndley- made from children's hands. Ironic. Must know the background to the story otherwise its not recognisable. Looks like a pixalated image. Was offensive
Audience dictates meaning, perhaps both dictates meaning crossing between artist and audience
Inter textual- text only has a meaning when its reference to other texts
Direct references to other stars from Pinks music video
Whats Pink's paradigm?
-Rebel- songs, dresses leather jacket. Short hair cut. Is playing sex symbol but not in the same dizzy Blond way as we normally see
All embedded in our culture as to where we place her
Signs being use- reference
Conflicting value systems- Pink drinking Pepsi in a mini skirt... doesn't seem like its her
Oak tree- our symbols ascetic- what we respond to be
Signs standing in for thing
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