Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Wednesday 15th December Postmodern space and Time: Retro & Vintage or Unoriginal & Old?

Central focus, key concept
An extension of modernism

It wasn't a "period" it was a movement that describes a wide range of texts that influence how we now think and experience the world. It co-existed with other styles. Big unidentified explanations- is possible to explain and control 

Enlightenment thought- system of how we understand and impact the world. Big belief system. Progression "truth".
The body is treated like a machine- if something breaks you take it out fix it and then your fine again.
Change, Constructed and Reconstructed. This is basically modernism.
Educating us makes us "improve"

World War 1 had a huge impact on modernism art.
Nationalism was seen to be a source of conflict- how and where you place yourself, our beliefs (this divided us)
Abstract, Apolitical, 'Avant Garde'
Design was driven by reason- everything was logical. 
Modernism: Efficiency, not frivolous approach. No decoration or surface patter, very matter of fact I would say. 
Clothing after the War, well it was illegal and unpatriotic to waste materials so things such as extra pockets and trimmings weren't allowed.
Modernism struggled to survive in World War 1- Seen as 'inhumane' and 'restrictive.' Failure of modernism which came from people being housed in 'modern' living accommodation and to build up into the sky however hundreds of people living in a small area never owning the whole building only owning a small area.. they also caused trouble with gangs of young teens clustering. 

Post Modernism:
The term Postmodernism originally used to describe an architectural style. Concentrated on decoration and playfulness very different to Modernism. 
Post Modernism would use frivolous, decorating 'nice' things just to put on the wall. Designing for the sake of designing if you would like.
"Style over Content"
Frequent references the past, other disciplines popular culture.

History can go backwards just as well as it can move forwards.

Modernism is a very logical process

Key Post Modernism Theorists:
Foucault-Talked a lot about power
Heidegger- spoke about just being in the World
Lyotard-No definite values

Prison Tower- It was a stance of power. A power relationship

Post Modernism
Identity is not fixed- its not defined from where you started out in life. It's sometimes our life style choices. Life has became an interplay of local and global factors.

Geographic and Historic places put together is how we define ourselves.

Identity as 'text' to be 'written'. Identity is not fixed is its being  challenged by relational references.

Taste is not "neutral" or "natural"
"Denaturalising" material culture.
Brilliant design and taste has been constructed through history- our position in the world. We think we known what we like we have been shown and grown up with 'Bad' and 'Good' examples to us.
Who defines taste and values?
The taste of the "masses" was of concern to social engineers and philanthropists. Different perspectives.

Taste and fashion are linked changes in what is considered fashionable determines what is considered good and bad taste.

Fashionable styles used to be determined by the ruling classes and then it would gradually 'trickle-down' to the middle class.

Thorstein Veblen-
'Conspicuous consumption"
'Conspicuous leisure' This didn't really exist as if you where poor you worked- no time for leisure.

Status symbols- Style can trickle up for example Avril Lavigne- Commercialising 'street style' and the punk look

Run DMC- Relationship between music and marketing. Protest movement- power of the individual.

Judith Butler:
Identities are fluid they are 'performed' or 'performative.' Consumer culture gives us the props to perform a wider range of identities

Initially modernism was concerned with evidencing "progression"
Any system could be a modernist construction

The War was crucial for shifting- going from fixed identities, then moving and prompting change also in identity levels of uncertainty.

World War 2 people were beginning to travel abroad. Taking responsibility for the fellow man-although the state was looking after people for example now the NHS

the human body
All about making you the consumer look 'better' and more 'ideal'
Too fat to get married, brides are seen to be gorgeous and slim- cultural convention.
Cultural hysteria
All women in the imagery- slimming loosing weight will make you look better
All about look and image nothing is ever said about actual health. 
Body modification- for body imagery.
gone from restricting body firming garments to body mutilation such as surgery.
Making the body look more conventional.
Re perfect as if your going back to it...??
They use scientific terms

Tattooing: This references back to tribal
They are fixed and permanent
Perhaps age.. right of passage
Different reference points in their lives
Script, telling a story

Body modification
Used for all symbolic reasons
Bound feet in China purely done so that the women can have nice small feet however they are basically deformed and at first could walk on there feet.
"If the shoe won't fit, fix the foot?"
Women removing parts of the foot to ensure she could fit into designer shoes.. MAD !!

Creating yourself on screen- For example representation of ones self.
Women would make themselves look slightly better- slimmer waist better shaped hips, bigger chest ect
Men- slimmer, more muscular...
Portraying how they want to looking appose to showing exactly how they look on screen. Often peoples ideas of the perfect them. 
Second life.
Online gaming such as Avatar you can also buy fashion which perhaps you couldn't just go and buy the clothing normally. There is also a H&M store online. Again this separates us even on virtue games. People are really buying things these gaming sites and communicating with other individuals, but the companies are making a lot of money from it. 

Industrial Revolution- Late 1700's "Modern" world. Society experienced a "paradigm shift" flat world was actually circle. Its basically a sudden change to how we think. Different ways of thinking also.
Also the year of the birth of the "designer" as they weren't separated into professions before this. 
Differentiate products- need for advertising.
Reason- why you need something 'Atmospheric"
appeals to a consumers emotions and their intelligence

Then.. not selling a product but selling a lifestyle such as cleaning products. This then goes back to identity.

There is no limit to advertisement.

Alienation of the worker

Theodor Adorno:
Other things they signify FETISHISED this means for example a pair of trainers:
Having the best or newest pairs shows you have money NOT the true meaning for trainers i.e confort, good to run it ect 

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